The Sex Lives of Bronies Project - Sign up here!

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Cuddlepug's avatar
The Pitch

I am looking to start a new project investigating the romantic and sexual lives and relationships of bronies (and, as people have asked, yes, this includes males and females). This is inspired by the many sex-related questions I have received in my Brony Advice series and a general journalistic interest in observing another, often criticised, side to the social nexus of the My Little Pony fandom. The media often portrays 'bronies' as being loners who struggle socially - this project is designed to explore if this is the case, or if bronies are just as capable of having active and healthy sexual relationships as anyone else.

How will this project work?

Recently I have run a series of 'True Story' articles based on people within the fandom who have interesting stories to tell, such as the piece below:

The project would manifest in a similar fashion. I would ask candidates a series of questions about their current sexual activities and sexual history. I would then use these stories to form articles looking into the kinds of relationships people within the My Little Pony fandom have, with a focus on the emotional side of these interactions as much as the physical aspects. These would be first-person pieces from the perspective of the person being interviewed.

My hope is to illustrate the sexual and romantic successes and failings of people within the fandom in order to evaluate the truth in allegations that bronies find it difficult to socialise with others and form relationships.

Candidates will be kept anonymous for their own protection

Why bronies?

Running Brony Advice gave me an insight into the kinds of concerns and issues members of the My Little Pony fandom encounter. Many of these questions were sexual in nature, exploring issues of masturbation, self-pleasure and sexual intercourse. At the time I grew weary of these kinds of questions, as I had a backlog of over 50 of them, but it became obvious to me that bronies have a lot of interesting views and experiences in this field.

This time, rather than giving my perspectives, I would like to explore the mindset of those asking the questions. While the sex lives of bronies are unlikely to be unique to the fandom, I know that many people who associate with the My Little Pony fandom are at an age where sex is a pertinent topic of discussion that is symptomatic of a number of other concerns and queries - and therefore they are as good as any fandom to investigate for the purposes of this project.

How can I get involved?

For my previous investigations into similar topics, I have found that a series of exchanges through DeviantArt notes has worked. Therefore, if you would like to get involved please send me a note expressing your interest. I will then select candidates who offer a broad variety of interesting stories.

  • Please note: You must be over the age of 18 to take part. While you are free to discuss your sexual history before the age of 18, if applicable, you must be over the age of 18 at the time of interview.

Feel free to circulate this journal among others - the more people who volunteer, the better and more expansive the project will be.

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TheCreepypastaz's avatar
Alright Cya in 3 yrs